Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Me at 16 Weeks

Yay, I'm starting to actually look pregnant! :)

Luckily I'm slowly starting to feel better and get more energy!
 Knock on wood!
For this week (or very soon), I'm hoping that I will feel Little One move. I have started playing music and talking to my stomach, hoping that it will trigger some movement.
I can tell that the baby is starting to move up and out of my pelvic ribs are killing me! Sleep is not going very well either..........oh the joys of pregnancy! But I have to admit that I would not trade this experience for anything in the world! I thank God daily for giving me this precious gift and for letting me experience it with an amazing person like Michael!


  1. Love the baby belly! Glad you're feeling better!

  2. YAY!!! I love the picture!!! :) You're so gorgeous! :)
