Friday, January 6, 2012

37 Weeks

Emmalynn this week.....

Extra large! Your baby has likely hit the six-pound mark by now, and her length is approximately twenty-one inches. The weight on your abdomen probably feels like twice that.

Your baby is practicing her breathing, but she has increasingly less space to practice stretching and kicking.(no kidding!) Your baby's intestines are also building up meconium, a greenish-black substance made of baby by-products such as dead cells, shed lanugo, and amniotic fluid. It'll become your little darling's first bowel movement, hopefully after she is out of the womb.(Oh boy, can't wait for that!)

Me this week.....

At the doctor's appointment this week they had me doing a NST (Non-Stress Test) which consists of being hooked up to 2 monitors. One to monitor Emma's heartbeat and one to monitor my contractions. This machine also has a button I push every time she moves so they can track her movement. But she didn't want to move around...I think she was sleepy. :) So they had to give me sugary juice. (Yeah, that's good for my diabetes!) Well one can of juice didn't do anything, so they gave me another one. This time, she started going crazy and moving about every second! So that finally satisfied the doctor. Now on to the other monitor...apparently I was having regular contractions, but could only feel some of them. So now I know what "fake" contractions feel like. On top of that, I am dilated almost 2 cm and half way effaced.

We are on our way....

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