Monday, October 24, 2011

Our little girl......

Our Little One is getting so big and is exciting! There are moments where I am just so excited for her to get here....and then a second later realize that that would mean I have a baby to take care of!
It is amazing to me how much I already love her! I love that when I talk to her, or sing a long to the radio, she responds by giving me light tapes. And how when her daddy pokes or pushes my belly, she is quick to give him a smack. :) Makes me so happy.
She has been camped out in the same spot for a couple weeks now, which is on the left side of my body. It is funny how it is making my belly look off-kilter. My belly button, or what is left of it :), is not in the center of my stomach anymore. For some reason she loves that side and rarely leaves it. Every once in awhile, she will stretch out the length of my belly, and I will get kicked on both sides. She has also, in the last couple weeks, started rolling over......odd feeling! I'm not looking forward to that in a month or so when she is a lot bigger!
She has also started responding to loud noises. We were at a friends house the other night watching Tron, with surround sound of course. Every time the music would blare or a something loud would happen, she was jumping and squirming all over the place.

It is so crazy how time is flying! Tomorrow I will be 27 Weeks only 13 weeks to go!

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