Thursday, September 1, 2011

19 weeks and a trip to the E.R.

Let me start this post by saying that Little One is perfectly healthy! It's mommy that is having the issues.....
Wednesday, my pain was getting worse and worse, so I called my doctor's nurse and she suggested that I head in to the E.R. to get everything checked out. So I left work and Michael and I headed to the hospital. We saw a doctor and he wanted to check out my lungs and heart, because the pain was only on my left side. So he ordered a EKG and a CT of my lungs. Luckily for me and baby, everything looked normal, so the doctor decided that it had to be muscular. His thought was that the muscle and tissue in-between my ribs is inflamed and tearing. So he suggested rest and sent me home with prescriptions for a muscle relaxer and a pain killer. Hopefully I can get some rest and help my poor muscles heal!

And now on to Little One.....
Once again, baby is just fine and perfectly healthy!

This week....

Baby is between five and six inches long and weighs about seven ounces - about the size of an apple.

If the baby is a girl, early ovaries contain follicles with forming eggs. Soon, half of the genetic material for your potential future grandchildren will be formed.
Pictures of babies at this age show them touching the membrane of the amniotic sac, touching their own faces, reaching for the umbilical cord, pedaling their legs, and sucking their thumbs. Your baby may already have a preference for the left or right hand.
In the brain, areas of nerve cells that serve the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing are becoming specialized and are forming more complex connections.
Loud sounds as well as any feelings you may have of stress of alarm may be communicated to the baby. The baby responds to these stresses by becoming more active.

Now we are looking forward to next week when we get to find out the sex!

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