Wednesday, July 27, 2011

14 weeks

  • So according to Great Expectations - Your All-in-One Resource for Pregnancy, this is what is happening with our baby this week.

Our baby weighs about 1 1/2 ounces and is about three to four inches long.

Our baby's face continues to look more human, with individual characteristics becoming more pronounced all the time. Teeth have formed in our baby's gums. Hair is growing on it's head and eyebrows and may even have pigment in it if it has the genes for dark hair. It's bone marrow has begun to produce blood cells, a chore previously performed by the yolk sac.
The baby rarely sits still. It is often wiggling fingers and toes; stretching, yawning, and hiccup-ping. However, I probably won't be able to feel the movements for another month or so.

  • Now according to Michael's book, The Caveman's Pregnancy Companion - A Survival Guide for Expectant Fathers (which lays out the pregnancy in months), the third month is as follows:

Golf-club head (2 1/2 to 3 inches)

Baby looks "human" but with extra long arms and big head. Genitals forming and recognizable.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! Keep us up-to-date with your little "diva"! Glad the morning sickness has mostly passed, that part of pregnancy sucks!
